by: Thomas J. Griffin.

“When did I get so many shoes?” I’ll often say to the overflowing rack. Never loudly, though; always under my breath, because you never know who, or what, might be listening.

That is, unless I’m ready to get rid of a pair. Then I’ll dump them out on the bedroom floor, careful to leave nothing else touching carpet.

“I wish I could give these away… but who would even want them?” I’ll announce to the empty room before walking out, and by the time I’ve returned, a fresh cup of tea in-hand, the cobbler elves have already come and gone.

© 2024. Thomas J. Griffin

Thomas J. Griffin is a life-long fiction lover and sumo wrestling enthusiast. He is the editor of Flash Point SF, and his own stories have appeared in publications such as The Magazine of F&SF, Daily Science Fiction, and Wyldblood Press.

Posted September 11, 2024.
