
by: Kit Gadgitar.

Don’t even think about inventing time travel. Studying physics? Switch majors. Simulating parallel universes on a quantum computer? Mine Bitcoin instead. Screwed up that date with the love of your life and will never find happiness unless you can try again with fresher tacos and more deodorant? I’ve been there. Move on.

Time travel equals paradoxes. And once there are paradoxes, everything is meaningless. It’s awful. Any moment, reality might implode, reconstitute, and start a digital marketing agency.

Targeted ads across dimensions, by the way. That’s how you’re reading this. But if you all trust me, these words will disappear.

© 2024. Kit Gadgitar

Kit Gadgitar is a bioless being.

Posted July 17, 2024.

3 responses to “Just Don’t”

  1. Delightful! Hope to see more from this author!

  2. Help, I’m in southern Italy, 79 AD. Every step I take shakes the fabric of spacetime, and there isn’t pizza yet.

  3. […] Just don’t by Kit Gadgitar in 100-Foot Crow […]
