Little stories. Big impact.
By: Die Booth. I can’t control it. The beast inside. On moon-nights I’m at its mercy, transformed into a creature of violence and insatiable appetite. I try to…
100 words
Copyright Infringement
By: Helen Mayger. I keep my chin up while waiting, despite the prosecutor’s uninspired insults: “Gene Freak,” “Derivative,” “AI Fake.” As if every parent doesn’t use AI to…
100 words
The Fairy King’s Sword
By: Nicholas Goeser. “I offer a boon, if you’ll take it.” The Fox raised his ears. “Such boldness should be rewarded.” Atop his trove of stolen treasures, his…
100 words
By: Arvee Fantilagan. “THANK YOU.” By the time I got outside, a crowd was already clogging the street, mesmerized by the booming heavens. “YOUR CIVILIZATION HAS BEEN EXTREMELY…
100 words
Customer Service
By: T Milton. Welcome home, Colonist! Please remain seated until your harness has auto-released, and be aware the overhead storage pods may have shifted during hiberstasis. We regret…
100 words
The Cost of Living
By: Jack Whaler. When nutraloaves went from 40 to 48 credits, you grimaced. But what was the alternative? Even with minimal Gs in the mines, your body needed…
100 words
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“I’m sorry I wrote you such a long letter; I didn’t have time to write a short one.”
– Blaise Pascal